Love from Peru |
This week was pretty normal, the highlight was that for our service we went heart attacking. I stole the idea from Hermana Mickleson who is serving in Japan right now, and my companion, Hermana Jimenez, never ever had heard of heart attacking before. We cut out all the hearts, wrote loving phrases on them and then taped them to the doors of some menos activos, including the wife of the bishop. My companion was laughing the whole time, "I feel like a little school kid" she kept saying. And then for the next couple days she was still giggling about it. So I am sure that she loved it, and I hope that she teaches her next companion how to heart attack as well.
Other than that we just keep working as we usually do. This Saturday the family who fed us lunch knew we were going to fast, so we ate the most food I have ever had in my life. It was a big plate of pollo ensalada morada arroz,(chicken salad and rice) of course, and then we had mazamorra, fruit, and then a HUGE bowl of top a ramen with a piece of chicken plopped inside. The elders had eaten at the house they gave service at before, so it was funny to see them cry and suffer as they tried to eat it all (because you eat ALL the food here in Peru or its malo malo malo!). (bad,bad, bad)
Sunday we went up into the hills to collect our investigadores. We had about 8 people that said yes they would come... and well none came. Ha ha either they were not in their house or said that they had things to do. So better luck next week. However, Joel, our date for the 20th ended up coming up halfway through Sunday school so that was a awesome victory. Lets see, what else this week... I had the pleasure of describing what a Harlem shake video was to my companion, and last p day we ate a restaurant and then went grocery shopping. This week we have day with just the hermanas where we are going to have some type of spa day. I'm excited!
Hope all is well on the other side of the equator, and keep me in your prayers!