Whew where to start----
First transfers. I didn't get transferred but hermana Luna did :( She was one of the hermana's who lived in my house and knew the most English. However the new hermana we got is a gringa from Utah fresh out of the CCM. She was just like me a month and half ago and it's a little interesting because now I'm the translator in the house, but I cant really speak Spanish... so well its a work in process. but I'm grateful that I can actually speak English with somebody now! YES!
My zone right before transfer's°!°° |
So this week also we had interview with the President and a cleaning check. We passed (ha! after cleaning for 3 hours straight the day before) and I got to talk a little bit with the President. He gave me DyC section 59:1-3 to read and help me along! I recommend it to anyone else who might be experiencing some difficult times.
Also this week we had the opportunity to help the youth in our ward out with a project they were doing. They're selling chicken to earn money to go to this thing called campamento (its a blend of youth conference but camping from what I've been able to understand) and we helped de gut and wash the chicken. Yes we degutted the chicken!!
chicken guts! |
Me and my companion rubbing the sauce on the chickens we gutted |
Now the heads and feet were already cut off. but we peeled the skin of the legs of the chicken, cleaned out the intestines, lungs, and well other lovely parts of the chickens, pulled out the feathers that were still in the skin and then washed the blood off.
After that we had this huge bucket of tapitio smelling stuff that we massaged into the chicken and then the leaders drove the chicken to where they were cooking and selling it. We helped out for an hour one day, and then for 3 hours the morning of the activity. from what I could understand it went well I hope that the youth from our stake have a blast getting to know youth with the same standards and have their testimonies strengthened! Kevin our recent convert is going and I hope he has tons of fun.
The bishops wife, the bishop's mom helping out with the chicken |
One thing that happened this week that wasn't that fun was my companion had to go to immigration and so I was left in our area with another sister. She had the same amount of time in the field as me and I had to be the senior companion. That meant I was in charge of the day and planning the lessons AND teaching... and well it was dreadful. Plan A, B, C, D, E F all fell through and nobody was in thier home to teach. I tried calling people on the payphone, but well... I don't speak Spanish and just ended up wasting my money. I felt so bad for this missionary who was with me, and well I just couldn't do it. I sat down on the side of the road, had a little cry, and tired to think of what we could do for 2 hours. Finally as we were meandering around the city we ran into a member and she was happy to talk, so that killed some time until my companion was back from imigrations. She asked how it went and well... I only had two actual hours out in city (because we had lunch and then language study and stuff that kept us busy till 3) and I failed miserably. HOWEVER, I'm trying to look on the positive, and just see it as a learning experience. Success is not about not falling, but picking ourselves up each time we fall. Also I learned a good lesson on what makes a good younger companion. It's so much more enjoyable when the younger person takes the imitative once and a while and tries to help out rather than just follow you around.
Know I appreciate all who read this blog, and special thanks to my mom for putting it up each week and thank you to everyone who has written me letters and e-mails. I cant respond to everyone the way I would like every-week, but know that I will get to everyone in due time. Keep me in your prayers :)
Lunch at one of my favorite members house! don't remember the name but it was good good good! |
Mucho amor de
Hermana Bowers
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