Hello Everybody!
So this week was pretty crazy and hectic!
Me and the other north american girls making snicker doodles this last week for p day! |
The first awesome thing was the p-day that we had last Monday. After emailing we went to the house of the senior couple and we had a fantastic meal and played games. We had Snickerdoodles, YES SNICERDOODLES IN PERU!!!! and chicken tacos with Pineapple cake. It was soo good. Afterwards we played this game where 10 missionaries were sent to another room and were blindfolded. One by one they were brought back into the front room and were told that they were going to talk to the king. we were guided by the husband of the senior couple and then had to bow before the king and kiss his ring. Afterwards we were able to take off our blindfolds and we saw that Elder Ruiz, our district leader, had the ring on his toe!!!! The joke of the game is that you have the ring on the finger of a person as normal, but before they can take the blindfold off you hurry and put the ring on your toe, making the blindfolded person think that they kissed someones foot. Ha ha! I was one of the blindfolded ones, and half the fun is waiting in the other room and hearing screams and laughter from the other people. You're wondering, what is coming what is coming, and then after you figure it all out. After the king game, or trick if you want to call it, we played two rounds of mafia. It reminded me of college and was a good laugh.
Our district leader as ¨the king¨in the game we played |
Also this past Tuesday I hit my official 3 month mark since I left for my mission. Not going to lie, they have been the hardest 3 months of my life (one sixth of my mission!!!!), but I have learned SOOOO much. Ha ha not going to lie though, I'm looking forward to the point in my mission where I can say ¨wow time has flown!!¨¨. My trainer assured me that after 3 months things start picking up. But hey ya, only 15 more!
So Easter and all of those festivities are celebrated very differently here in Peru. It has been my first Easter in a prominently catholic society, and here they celebrate what is called the Semana Santa (the holy week). People don't have school or work usually for the major part of the week, and there are huge hoards of people walking around the city with palm fronds chanting prayers or songs with pictures of saints. There was even a bonfire in the park the other night where people gathered and there was this one man dressed in a white robe doing something or another.
A service project that we did this week was go to a members house in a different area and help weave this palm frond things so that they could sell them during the Semana Santa. It was really difficult at first to learn because of the whole language barrier thing, but eventually I got it, and to my surprise it was very calming. Maybe when I'm older I'll take a basket weaving class or something... :)
Me and Panda, the dog of one of the families were reactivating, ha ha panda is my favorite dog in all of Peru! |
However the craziest thing of all this week was Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we had the missionaries from the C.C.M. visit our area and we went with them to help them visit and teach menos activos. So once again I got to be the senior companion of two greenies who have never seen the flied before. It was an interesting experience, one sister, a gringa from Ut. only knew how to say Hola. However me and the other Latina sister tried to teach her how to introduce the missionaries to a contact and I hope that they had a good experience in the long run. Not this Saturday, but the next we have the C.C.M. missionaries again.... So well see how it goes! Both me and Hna Espinoza were exhausted afterwards! It was kinda crazy trying to be the leader of two greenies since I so recently just in the C.C.M., but it gave me the opportunity to see how much I have learned and grown in that short amount of time.
Elder Wadell & Multi Zone |
And finally Sunday rolled around, and bum bum bum bum!!!!!!!! We had to give talks.
Talks are really not that scary for me... in English. Spanish was a whole different story, but I had the help of my companion and she helped me write and practice pronouncing the words. I think everyone was able to understand me and I hope that my message was received by somebody. Yesterday was just a hoot because we had investigators that came that we had to show around and explain church to, class to teach, and we have a baptism this Saturday that the person needed their interview but had not showed up, so we were trying to find them and use someones phone to call because ours doesn't work and... well... it was a crazy day to say the least. Ha ha the day or rest ---is a lie, especially for the missionaries :)
I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend and that those who are in school are hanging in there during finals and whatnot!
Much love,
Hermana Bowers